The Soul Of Fado
16 November, 2006 to 15 January, 2007

Guus Slauerhoff was born on April 5, 1945 in Sneek, the Netherlands. He's an author of a great number of works of visual arts. From this number of works, Guus Slauerhoff, on his role of plastic artist, has done works in sculpture, drawing, painting, fitting and performing, and he's represented in several institutions of Europe and the United States.
Fado is considered a performing art, which narrates life's poetry in an extraordinary way; Slauerhoff recovers on his artistic production a strong conection between fado's universe, his personal history and his life's philosophy. "The Soul of Fado" is precisely the artist's contribution to Fado's universe, known on its complete universality.
The project called "The Soul of Fado" intends to pay homage to fado and is inspired on its history and its tradition of ALfama's quarter. Nostalgia, melancholy, desire, passion, hope, happiness and love are seen as universal setbacks of soul.And fado gives us the chance as human beings to tell about the intensely profound poetry of life.